When you google “cat grooming brush" and “cat brushes” online, odds are your results will return hundreds of different brushes from the big named websites. In fact, they might even be bold enough to share their honest lists of the very best brushes around. Sound familiar?
Related Post: Best Cat Brushes and Worst Cat Brushes - Ultimate Guide
Their secret is that these sites typically don’t take into consideration the specific needs of your pet – because your pet is not their pet. Every pet is different. And when it comes to the care and health of your pet, using the right cat brush or dog brush actually matters more than you think.
And check this out: 2 of the top 5 best selling brushes on Amazon are known to cause health issues, increase shedding, cause fur loss or skin damage just by using them every day! Think about that. The top selling brushes are actually worse for your pet than if you didn’t bother brushing them at all.
We’ve talked with veterinarians and professional groomers and determined that for everyday brushing, the benefits of using a silicone brush far outweigh the risks of brushes that are metal, wired, or plastic. This is because metal brushes can scratch, claw, pull or chop out hair and with prolonged use actually do more harm than good. We even learned that the shape and pattern of bristles play a role in the comfort and effects on cat fur and the brush’s effectiveness and ability to groom through the hair. Another interesting thing we learned is that no professional groomer or vet that we asked would recommend a brush that mists or uses water to get the fur out because of the health risks associated with them.
That’s a lot to unpack. With so many potential long term issues caused by incorrect brushes and incorrect use, you may wonder why they even exist.
Every dog and cat needs brushing so let’s dive deeper into why the common brushes we see may not be the best to use as your everyday pet brush.
Is there such a thing as the perfect cat brush?
Nothing is perfect when it comes to every pet and what they may like, but there are products that consider all the important factors that a pet needs for everyday grooming. When looking at the needs of pets there’s many things to take into consideration specific to the pet you have.
The differences in each pet plays an important role in determining which type of brush will be most suitable for your cat or dog. One thing to know is that all cats and dogs have sensitive skin, but not all cats and dogs have the same types of fur. The texture, length, undercoat and thickness have an impact on the effectiveness that a brush will have.
It’s also important to know that the tools a professional groomer may use on a pet will be, in most cases, quite different from the daily brush you’ll be wanting to use at home. Professional grade isn’t always the best option if you aren’t a professional.
We have however encountered professional groomers that prefer to use silicone brushes like Talia from Scamps Trim & Social Grooming. She says:
The dogs and, more importantly, the owners at Scamps are loving the Pawmelo brushes! When people see how well it works on loose undercoat fur, the brushes sell themselves! I'm also so impressed with the durability. They are the third brand of silicone brushes I've tried, and they are lasting much much better! My two Pawmelo brushes get used 4 - 10 times a day (!!) and they are still nice and pointy after 2 months! Thanks for creating such a great grooming tool!
Generally, professional tools are made to be used on one pet only once in a while. Think about how often you visit a groomer. These brushes are usually metal because they allow them to aggressively get out mats, knots and remove substantial amounts of fur for pets that have missed their daily brushings at home. They are also used often on different pets multiple times a day so they are made to be stronger and more durable. Because of this they’re actually not the type of brush you’d want to use daily on your pet at home.
When asked about the safest option and most effective, the Veterinarians and Groomers all recommended the same material. “If a high quality silicone brush exists, own one”, they said. A silicone brush has all the same benefits of a professional grooming tool without the potential risks when brushing daily.
Here’s what they liked about a well designed silicone cat brush:
Typically a silicone brush may come with long bristles or short bristles. Many designs are different which could affect how they work, and while some say they are silicone they might in fact be lower quality rubber in order to provide a more affordable alternative.
There’s only one high quality patented silicone brush made to get the fur out fast, that’s the Bailey Brush. The Bailey Brush is a cult favorite among cat and dog owners and has been growing in popularity by word of mouth from thousands of happy owners. It’s become a highly recommended staple in every pet lover's home.
Dog and cat owners do ask some frequent questions about silicone brushes and cat brushing, here’s the most common questions we get asked about pet grooming:
We like to think that every cat deserves a Bailey Brush. But if you don’t love the Bailey Brush the vets and groomers recommend having a few tools for grooming your cat. For daily brushing it’s recommended to have a silicone brush that’s palm sized. This would be used for dry bushing, never use water. The next tool would be to have a metal fur rake (use this only when necessary, not every day). The last tool is a slicker brush, not all fur coats need a slicker brush, but if your cat has fine hair a gentle once over with a slicker brush will leave their coat shiny and slick!
It depends. For professionals, more are opting to start with a silicone Bailey Brush to calm the pet and get all the loose fur out. For home use, a silicone cat brush or a soft bristle brush (if it can be used gently) are the best type of brushes for cats. The one thing to remember is, just because a brush gets fur out, it might be doing more harm than good if it’s removing healthy hair or needing water to be more effective. The best brushes are made to get the fur out safely, without water, and can be used every day.
Brushes with uniquely shaped bristles can pick up and hold hair together. When there’s enough hair in the brush it can generally just be pulled off in one clump all at once. If you find that you are getting flyaways with hair it just means you haven’t brushed long enough. Another great property of silicone is it’s magnetic static traits, it can attract hair and keep it in the brush better so it can all stick together neatly.
Not all cats like grooming brushes at first, most cats do, but for the picky cats it may take some getting used to. All cat professionals agree though that the benefits of grooming brushes greatly outweigh the risks of choosing to not brush your cat. Reducing hairballs are just one of the health benefits of grooming!
Professional groomers all have their favorite tools. We’re happy to say that the Bailey Brush is a part of many professionals' toolkits. They also typically have electric trimmers with safety attachments and sometimes a set of round tipped safety scissors.
A professional groomer may use the wide to narrow method. With a metal fur rake they’ll start with the wide toothed rake and scrape in the direction of the fur growth. After many passes they will work their way down to the more narrow fur rake. This can be quite the physical feat, and also a stressful experience for a dog. A silicone brush like the Bailey Brush can only do so much with it’s flexible bristles for aggressively thick undercoats so be sure to ask your groomer about their recommendations.
Well there you have it! All the expert facts and tips about silicone and why it's recommended as the best kind of grooming tool for your pet, dog or cat! Happy Grooming!
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